Monday, October 22, 2007

Liz Kinder

We just had an email from Liz Kinder - whose baby girl is due in a week! Hooray! Meanwhile, Jack Peter is keeping her busy. Here he is:

We always love hearing from artists. They do incredible things (although not all of them realize it). Liz wrote, "We had an amazing trip to Italy. We flew back 1 day before I hit 36 weeks. I thought I was going to gain the bulk of my pregnancy weight over there, but chasing after Jack Peter and schlepping all of his stuff everywhere kept things under control. I did eat an appalling amount of food."

She also reports a new studio assistant, who she's glad for in many respects. Those of us who work alone know how valuable that (adult) human company is. We hope she gets him trained quickly so he'll be helpful in the studio when that baby comes.

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