Monday, December 3, 2007

Staff Picks: Martha

This is the Kate Nelson painting that Martha has her eye on in Orleans (it's part of the Small Treasures show). She likes Kate's large works too, especially their titles - "I try to imagine where she was or what she was thinking of when she titled them." Salute the Thunder? Who Made the Leap? Each one is more intriguing than the last. Other artists she likes are Audrey Heard, Katie Trinkle Legge and Ellen Granter - whose titles are pretty self explanatory.

Martha's also working on her Claireware collection. She's being a very good sport (if you ask me) and not snapping up the lunch plates when they first come in. And she'd get a Ugone lamp if she could just find a spot for it. She likes pretty much all the cards. Did you know we have cards? Good ones.

She's often thought she'd like a Bill Hickman mask, but who can decide which one? It seems as soon as we photograph them, they're gone. So she can't have these two because someone else does:

We don't let her out of the Commercial Street gallery very often, but she has been uptown enough to know that she likes Sarah Graham jewelry.

"And I like the chocolate oysters, yes I do!" We should probably inventory them more regularly.

Martha is the manager of the Commercial Street Gallery in Wellfleet.

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